Create Docker Image, Run inside Container
build: Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile, stores in a local registry on your system
-t: name and tag of docker file
--build-arg="BASE_IMAGE=arm64v8/ubuntu:18.04" Ubuntu 18.04 image for the ARM64 architecture.
$ docker build . -f Dockerfile -t test_image
/* View docker image stored in a local registry on your system */
$ docker image ls
/* Save docker image in current working directory */
$ docker save -o docker-image newsreader-cli-test
$ docker image rmi docker-image
Run Image Inside Container
--volume :[:options]
Mount a directory from the host system into the container.
For example
On host there are some files inside /home/amit, which i want to access inside container
I can mount using /home/amit:/test
All files in /home/amit would be present inside /test in container.
--user 1001. user ID inside the container.
test-docker-image. Image name from which container is created
cmd. Command executed inside container when its created
$ docker run --volume /home/amit:/test --user <uid of user> test-docker-image cmd
// Run commands present inside inside docker container
$ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -i newsreader-cli-test < ~/
Run Interactive session inside Container
Run session inside Container
-i interactive. Keep STDIN open even if not attached. allows you to interact with the container.
-t Allocate a pseudo-TTY. Helps to run an interactive shell session in the container.
--volume: explained above
Overrides the default entry point of the Docker image
/bin/bash, container should start with the /bin/bash shell instead of the default entry point defined in the image.
brunneis/python:3.9.0-ubuntu: specific Docker image
brunneis: This is the username or organization on Docker Hub that owns the repository.
python: This is the name of the repository.
3.9.0-ubuntu: Tag for the image, indicating it contains Python 3.9.0 based on an Ubuntu operating system.
-c CPU shares (relative weight)
Run Docker image(brunneis/python:3.9.0-ubuntu) inside container at /bin/bash
Mounts the /home/amit directory from the host to /test
Run command -c 'ls -ltr'
$ docker run -it --volume /home/amit:/test --entrypoint /bin/bash brunneis/python:3.9.0-ubuntu -c 'ls -ltr'
Running arm binaries on x86
1. Enable multiple platform builds on docker. Create arm build on docker
Run arm compiled binary on x86
flag gives the container extended privileges
When run with --privileged flag, container gains access to all the host's devices and can
perform tasks that are otherwise restricted for security reasons. Eg:
Change kernel parameters
Access and manipulate system devices
Perform other operations typically limited to root access on the host
Automatically removes the container once it exits, to keep system clean.
tonistiigi/binfmt: Docker image available on Docker Hub
tonistiigi: This is the username or organization on Docker Hub that owns the repository.
binfmt: This is the name of the repository. Register new binary formats in the kernel,
allowing the host system to execute binaries of different architectures (e.g., ARM on x86_64)
--install all: tells binfmt to install support for all available binary formats
// docker run: This command runs a new container.
// --privileged: gives the container extended privileges
// --rm: container is automatically removed after it exits.
// tonistiigi/binfmt: is a pre-built docker image that contains the necessary tools to install binary format handlers
// install support for all available binary formats.
$ docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
2. docker build. Create docker image from docker file
BASE_IMAGE: placeholder used in the Dockerfile to specify the base image for the build process
= arm64v8/ubuntu:18.04 //dynamically change the base image without modifying the Dockerfile.
$ docker build --build-arg="BASE_IMAGE=arm64v8/ubuntu:18.04" . -t tag1
3. Run make command for ARM env inside docker container
$ docker run --volume test:/checker --user $(shell id -u) tag2 make BUILD_DIR=build-docker-arm TARGET_ARM=1 -C /checker/cpu clean all
Other Commands
$ docker login repository
//Download docker image locally on system
$ docker image pull artifactory/path:image-tag
Loading Docker Image
Loading means untar the docker image and load inside docker engine, still image is not running. To run the
image still we need to do "docker run"
// docker desktop should be running
cmd> docker load -i fragmuffin-pygcode_oci.tar.gz
Loaded image: fragmuffin-pygcode:latest
// List
cmd> docker images
fragmuffin-pygcode latest d0da2aa0fd41 13 hours ago 87.3MB
newsreader-cli-test latest 59c21a173ad7 21 hours ago 579MB
// Inspect OS of docker image
> docker inspect --format='{{.Os}}/{{.Architecture}}' 59c21a173ad7
// Unload
cmd> docker image rmi fragmuffin-pygcode
Untagged: fragmuffin-pygcode:latest
Deleted: sha256:d0da2aa0fd41ee2604c74a93748e85452b3fa1d665df61f4dfc62f077f9131a6