

Layers, Design Issues

Layer Design Issues Duties Protocols
Application sending large information. eg: 5gb, caching:how long fetched data is valid and when to query back?, security, slow client or server User services(eg: Emails, video share etc) DNS,DHCP,HTTP,LDAP
Presentation(Handles any conversions between data formats required by users such as different character sets, encodings, compression, encryption, etc) Presentation of data(ie syntax, semantics of data received)
Session Establish sessions(eg: token management etc) b/w hosts on different machines
Transport(App to App) Services provided to upper layer Process to process delivery, Congestion & flow Control, Error detection TCP,UDP
Network(Host to Host) Store/Forward pkt, Implementation of connectionless/connection-oriented Handling congestion IP,ICMP,IGMP
Between L3,L2 ARP
Data Link(Hop to Hop) Framing, Error control, Flow control Detect/correct PHY layer errors. Used to deliver data frame within same network L2TP
Physical(Electrical or Optical Cabling) Making sure sender sends 1 and recr receives 1 not 0 Send 0,1s on network

Header Sizes

Ethernet Header IP Header TCP Header UDP Header Total
18 bytes Min(20 bytes), Max(60 bytes) Min(20 bytes), Max(60 bytes) 8 bytes Using TCP:138 bytes
Using UDP:86 bytes