Ways Web Client connect to Web Server

What Usecase Keeps Connection open
1. Pooling / Pull Method Client repeatedly sends requests to the server
at regular intervals to check for updates
When near real-time updates are required No
2. Long Pooling client sends a request to the server, and the server
holds the request open until new data is available or a timeout occurs.
When near real-time updates are required Yes
3. Websockets Full-duplex long-lived connection. Both the client
and server can send messages to each other at any time.
- For low-latency and high-frequency data updates, such as
- chat applications, real-time collaborative editing, and online gaming.
4. Webhooks
(Event Driven Architecture)
- These are HTTP callbacks initiated by the server to
notify a client when specific events occur.
- Client provides an endpoint, and the server sends HTTP
requests to that endpoint whenever relevant events happen
notifying clients about new data, updates, or changes. No. Server calls client endpoint(APIs) on data