What is CDN(Content delivery network) / Virtual Ghost
Servers storing static content(Homepage, Videos, image, Java script files etc) near to client.
This is a Overlay Network
CDNs can store dynamic contents(but this is still under progress).
CDN serving web page to Browser
@startuml box DNS participant "Authoritative\nDNS Server" as adns participant "Recursive\nDNS Server" as ns end box actor User as u participant "Origin Server\nWeb Server" as os box CDN participant "CDN Cache" as cdncache participant "CDN\n1.2.3.4" as cdn end box u -> os: HTTP GET google.com os -> u: HTTP 200 OK\nheaders{..}\nbody{\nhtml page \n having references:\na.com} u -> ns: DNS Query hostname=a.com ns -> u: Authoritative DNS Server u -> adns: DNS Query hostname=a.com adns -> u: Nearst,Best Matching CDN-Server( u -> cdn: HTTP GET doc alt cache miss cdn -> cdncache: Do i have doc cdncache -> cdn: no end cdn -> os: HTTP GET doc os -> cdn: doc cdn -> cdncache: doc cdn -> u: doc @enduml |