
Declarative graph query language that allows efficient querying, updating and administering of the graph.

Syntax of Cypher

<- or ->  //relationships

// Binding Properties to nodes
// name=Property, person=Label

(emil:Person {name:'Emil'})
 <-[:KNOWS]-(jim:Person {name:'Jim'})
 -[:KNOWS]->(ian:Person {name:'Ian'})


Other Cypher Clauses

Clause Meaning
WHERE Provides criteria for filtering pattern matching results.
CREATE and CREATE UNIQUE Create nodes and relationships.
MERGE nsures that the supplied pattern exists in the graph, either by reusing existing nodes and relationships that match the supplied predicates, or by creating new nodes and relationships.
DELETE Removes nodes, relationships, and properties
SET Sets property values.
FOREACH Performs an updating action for each element in a list