Json Web Token / oauth_token / auth_token

For authentication on the web, ie authentication to RESTFul APIs They are used to securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object.
JWTs consist of three parts: [header + payload + signature]. These parts are concatenated together with dots to form the token

How JWTs are used for authentication
            rect rgb(236, 232, 242)
            participant dns as DNS
            participant cdn as CDN
            participant ub as User-Browser
            box AWS
            participant lb as LoadBalancer
            participant as as Application Server
RESTFul Service participant auth as Auth_Service end participant idp as IDP note over ub: HTTP GET test.com ub ->> dns: IP of test.com dns ->> ub: IP of CDN ub ->> cdn: HTTP GET test.com cdn ->> ub: Home Page note over ub: User enters username,pass ub ->> lb: HTTP GET test.com(user,pass) lb ->> as: HTTP GET test.com(user,pass) as ->> ub: HTTP Redirect http://auth_svc ub ->> auth: http://auth_svc?user?pass auth ->> idp: ?user?pass idp ->> auth: SAML Assertion(Authenticated) auth ->> ub: JWT Token(Json Object) note over auth:JWT=(header + payload(username)
+ signature(Digital signature of payload)) note over ub: Stores JWT in cookie or cache ub ->> as: CRUD(header(bearer token=JWT) + Body) note over as: JWT expiry in 5 hours
Reissue JWT end

Authenticate to RESTFul APIs

JWT(Json Web Token)
        rect rgb(221, 240, 221)
            participant u as UserApp
            participant cdn as CDN
            box AWS
            participant cog as Amazon-Cognito
User,Pass store participant s3 as Amazon-S3 end s3 ->> cdn: HTML, css, javascript etc note over u: Open www.test.com u ->> cdn: GET test.com cdn ->> u: HTML, css, javascript etc note over u: Enter email, username, password
Submit. u ->> cog: user,password,email cog ->> u: Send Confirmation Code to Inbox note over u: User enter code on test.com
User signs in note over u: Javascript function in browser
communicate with cognito u ->> cog: Authenticate using
Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP) cog ->> u: JWT(JSON Web Token) note over u: JWT would be used by
to communicate with RESTful APIs end