Threads vs Processes (Mechanisms used for executing code concurrently)

Threads(User Space) Processes
What Lightweight process within a process.(Since no duplication of process space) Heavy(Complete process space(CS,DS,SS,HS) duplicated) to child
  • Fast
  • No Context Switch(Switching from Thread-1 to Thread-2 does not need context)
  • No memory cache flush, No Trap instruction, Everything is inside process(No need to go in kernel space). Process can decide his own scheduling algo
  • slow
  • Context Switch needed
  • Trap needed and to achieve these control need to go into kernel space
Disadv If 1 thread blocks, whole process blocks.

Why Processes(if they are Heavy wrt Threds?)

1. Isolation: Processes provide a higher level of isolation compared to threads. If one process crashes, it doesn't necessarily affect other processes. This is crucial for building robust and fault-tolerant systems.
2. Security: Processes offer better security because they have separate memory spaces. This helps prevent unintended access or modification of data.
3. Compatibility and Portability: Processes are more portable across different operating systems compared to threads