What is Synchronization

Coordination b/w processes/threads to access shared resources so that deadlock & race conditions can be avoided.
Ex-1? When multiple threads need to modify a shared resource(eg: global variable) we should lock the resource to guarantee at most 1 thread can do modification.
Ex-2? When 2 threads are putting data on top of stack, without synchronization it's immpossible to tell what is on top of the stack at any one time.

Rust Synchronization Methods

Name Description Advantage, Disadvantage
Arc(Atomically Reference Counted)
Shared Read-Only Access
Synchronization: Yes
  Immutable Reference to data. Data cannot be modified.
Channels (std::sync::mpsc) IPC: Yes (Safe message passing)
Synchronization: Yes (block until both sender and receiver are ready, providing built-in synchronization)
Mutexes and RwLocks Synchronization: Yes Disadv:
  Plain mutex cannot be used across threads.
Arc <Mutexes> Synchronization: Yes Adv:
  Mutex inside Arc can be used across threads
Atomic Types (std::sync::atomic) Provides low-level atomic operations
Pipes IPC: Yes
Synchronization: No
Shared Memory Yes(allows multiple processes to access the same memory space)
Condition Variables(std::sync::Condvar) work with mutexes to allow threads to wait for specific conditions
Barriers and Semaphores Yes

Questions on Synchronization

Dining Philospher